Two lawyers had been stranded on a deserted island for several months.
The only other living thing on the island was the tall coconut tree that provided their
food. Each day, one of the lawyers climbed to the top of the tree, to see if he could see
a rescue boat coming.
One day, the lawyer yelled down from the tree, "Wow! I can't believe my eyes! I don't
believe this is true!" and told his friend that he had just seen a naked blonde woman
floating face up, headed toward their island. The lawyer on the ground was skeptical and
said, "I think you're hallucinating and you should come down right now." So, the
lawyer reluctantly climbed down the tree. The other lawyer started to laugh, thinking his
friend had surely lost his mind. But, within a few minutes, up to the beach floated a
naked beautiful blonde woman, face up, totally unconscious.
The two lawyers went over to her and one said to the other, "You know, we've been on
this island alone for months now -- it's been a long time... do you think we should, you
know, screw her?"
The other lawyer glanced down at the totally naked woman and asked, "Out of
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