When the Lord made man, all the parts of his body argued over who was to be the Boss. The brain explained that since he controlled all parts of the body, he should be Boss. The legs argued that since they took man wherever he went, they should be Boss. The stomach countered with the explanation that since he digested all the food, he should be Boss. The hands argued that since they would be doing all the work, they should surely be Boss. The eyes said that without them, man would be helpless, so they should be Boss. Finally, the asshole applied for the position of Boss. All of the other parts of the body laughed so hard that the asshole became irritated and clogged himself up. After a few days of this, the brain became foggy, the legs wobbled and finally could not support the body, the stomach became violently ill, the hands were so weak they hung at the side of the body, and the eyes became crossed and unable to see. They all relented and made the asshole Boss. This proves that you don't have to be a brain to be Boss, just an asshole

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