IT WAS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, and a new student, Toshiba, the son of a
Japanese businessman, was entering his first American school as a fourth
grader. The teacher, Miss Hickey, greeted her class and decided to conduct a
little game in order to get her students' minds moving.

"Let's begin by reviewing some American history," she said, "Who said, 'Give
me liberty, or give me death?'" She looked up expectantly, but saw only a
sea of blank, young faces -- except for little Toshiba, who was waving his hand.

"Patrick Henry, 1775," answered Toshiba.

Miss Hickey nodded in agreement and moved on to another question. "Who said,
'Government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the Earth?'"

Once more, only Toshiba raised his hand. The teacher called on him, and he
once again had the correct answer. "Abraham Lincoln,1863," asserted Toshi.

Miss Hickey was not amused and addressed the rest of her students sternly,
"You all should be ashamed. Toshiba, who is new to our country, knows more
about it than you do."

As she turned to write some history book assignments for the class, she
overheard a loud whisper, "Damned Japanese."

"Who said that?" she demanded to know.

Toshiba raised his hand and immediately replied, "Lee Iaccoca, 1982."

Miss Hickey smiled in spite of herself, but another student, feeling completely disgusted with the Japanese boy's classroom superiority, sighed audibly, "I'm gonna' throw up."

Miss Hickey heard this wisecrack, too, and once more demanded to know, "Who said that?"

Without missing a beat, Toshi responded, "George Bush to Japanese Prime Minister, 1991."

This brown-nosing was too much for her fellow students, however, and one
simply yelled out, "Oh yeah? Well, suck my dick!"

Toshiba had the answer again: "Bill Clinton to Monica Lewinsky, 1997."

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