A New Arrival in Heaven

A Muslim was killed in a car accident. He arrives at the gates of heaven.

St. Peter says "I’m St. Peter. Welcome to Heaven."

The Muslim says "Nice to meet you Peter, but I’m a Muslim and I want to meet Muhammad."

St. Peter says "Sure no problem. Climb up that ladder behind you and you will meet Muhammad."

The Muslim climbs up the ladder, gets to the top and there is Moses. Moses says "Hi I’m Moses. Welcome to Heaven."

The Muslim is very excited. "Moses, its such an honor to meet you. But like I told St. Peter, I’m a Muslim and I really want to meet Muhammad."

Moses says "No problem. Climb up the ladder behind you and you will meet Muhammad."

The Muslim climbs up the ladder, gets to the top, he can’t see anything but bright light. He sees this figure before him and asks "Who are you?"

The figure responds, "I am God. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Heaven." God walks over and shakes his hand.

The Muslim is stunned - he can hardly speak. He says to God "Sir, it is such an honor to meet you - I can’t believe it - this place is great. But I’m a Muslim and, no disrespect intended, but I really want to meet Muhammad."

God says "Oh.. You’re here to see Muhammad. I see. No problem. Have a seat. Get comfortable. Can I get you some coffee or something to eat?"

The Muslim says "I would love a cup of coffee."

God yells into the kitchen.. "Hey Muhammad. 2 coffees!"

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