Whether you wish to believe this event actually happened me on my way back from the Bay area this past Monday evening, or not, i will leave to the discretion and imagination of each of the readers. But, imagine the following:

A little old Jewish fellow (not necessarily i, but perhaps....) was driving home toward Ukiah along a winding mountain road along the banks of the Russian River late one evening earlier this week. He saw the tail lights of another car off in the distance. As he came closer to the slower moving car in front of him the other car suddenly swerved, going over the embankment. He quickly pulled to the side of the road and looked over the side to see if he could see the other car.

He heard moaning as he approached the car, which had rolled to the bottom of the hill.

"Please get me a priest", moaned the badly injured driver, "I must have a priest....."

It was almost 30 miles in either direction to the nearest town or church, and the driver said, "yea, it would probably be too late anyway."

He inquired, "Are you a Catholic?"

The little Jewish man replied, "No, I am not."

"Have you ever been in a Catholic Church?" the injured man asked, "and do you recall anything that you heard there?"

"Yes I think so."

"Good, then please repeat everything that you can remember - can you do that for me?"

"Sure" replied the Jewish man, and he began: " B-4, I-17, N-23, O-73........!"

I told you, believe what you wish.

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